Jumat, 12 Juli 2019

Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One

Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One
By:Raphaelle Giordano
Published on 2018-05-01 by Random House

--- THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER: over 2 million copies sold worldwide! A charming, feel-good story with helpful real-life lessons for readers to take away and try. At thirty-eight and a quarter years old, Camille has everything she needs to be happy, or so it seems: a good job, a loving husband, a wonderful son. Why then does she feel as if happiness has slipped through her fingers? All she wants is to find the path to joy. When Claude, a French Sean Connery lookalike and routinologist, offers his unique advice to help get her there, she seizes the opportunity with both hands. Camille’s journey is full of surprising adventures, creative capers and deep meaning, as she sets out to transform her life and realize her dreams one step at a time . . . You too can change your life along with Camille. Learn about Positive Anchoring, SMART goals, changing your inner dialogue, and more . . . --- NETGALLEY READERS LOVE IT: 'Feel good book! Would definitely recommend!' 'Great book for 40-somethings wanting a change of direction' 'I'm loving it. Instead of just being a self-help book on well-being or mindfulness, you're actually seeing life through Camille's eyes, learning practical lessons alongside her.' One woman’s journey from boredom and dissatisfaction to happiness and fulfilment - if you liked The Happiness Project, The Little Paris Bookshop or Eat, Pray, Love, you'll love this.

This Book was ranked at 7 by Google Books for keyword wanting everything art of happiness.

Book ID of Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One's Books is dGIrDwAAQBAJ, Book which was written byRaphaelle Giordanohave ETAG "WU9/hegOJLE"

Book which was published by Random House since 2018-05-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781473555259 and ISBN 10 Code is 1473555256

Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is false

Book which have "256 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryFiction

This Book was rated by 1 Raters and have average rate at "4.0"

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is trueand in ePub is true

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Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One

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