The New York Nobody Knows
By:William B. Helmreich
Published on 2013-10-20 by Princeton University Press
As a child growing up in Manhattan, William Helmreich played a game with his father called |Last Stop.| They would pick a subway line, ride it to its final destination, and explore the neighborhood. Decades later, his love for exploring the city is as strong as ever. Putting his feet to the test, he decided that the only way to truly understand New York was to walk virtually every block of all five boroughs—an astonishing 6,000 miles. His journey took him to every corner of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island. Helmreich spoke with hundreds of New Yorkers from every part of the globe and all walks of life. He finds that to be a New Yorker is to struggle to understand the place and to make a life that is as highly local as it is dynamically cosmopolitan. Truly unforgettable, The New York Nobody Knows will forever change how you view the world's greatest city.
This Book was ranked at 17 by Google Books for keyword new york.
Book ID of The New York Nobody Knows's Books is Na0jAAAAQBAJ, Book which was written byWilliam B. Helmreichhave ETAG "cnA+f3NGpTc"
Book which was published by Princeton University Press since 2013-10-20 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781400848317 and ISBN 10 Code is 1400848318
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "480 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategorySocial Science
This Book was rated by 4 Raters and have average rate at "3.5"
This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is true and in ePub is true
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