Selasa, 30 April 2019

El arte en la era de la máquina

El arte en la era de la máquina
By:Carlos A. J. Molinari
Published on 2011 by Teseo

Esta obra explora las conexiones e interacciones entre la tecnologia y la construccion de las obras de arte pictorico, asi como su impacto en Argentina a partir del arte concreto, centrando el analisis en el periodo que transcurre entre 1900 y 1950. Su objetivo es trabajar en las intersecciones entre la historia del arte y la historia de la tecnologia; en el espacio donde se conectan ambas para producir nuevas formas de expresion de la sensibilidad humana. Investiga los cambios que provocaron esas conexiones y como ellos se encuentran integrados en una trama de relaciones sociales, economicas e ideologicas que constituyen la base de las transformaciones del arte, de las cuales emerge el arte concreto. [Description in English] Art in the machine age Connections between technology and works of pictorial art 1900-1950 This book explores the connections and interrelations between technology and the construction of works of pictorial art, as well as their impact in Argentina in regard to concrete art, with the analysis centered on the period from 1900 to 1950. Its aim is to explore the intersections between the history of art and the history of technology, in the space where the two connect to produce new means of expressing human sensibility. It investigates the changes brought about by these connections and the way they are integrated into the web of social, economic and ideological relations that make up the basis for the transformations within art that gave rise to concrete art. Carlos A. J. Molinari holds a Degree in Administration and a Master's in Social Sciences with a mention in Social History. He works as a professor and researcher at the Inter-American Open University (UAI) and the National University of Lujan (UNL). His field of study covers the relationship between technology, economy and culture, from an interdisciplinary perspective.

This Book was ranked at 23 by Google Books for keyword fontana history of technology.

Book ID of El arte en la era de la máquina's Books is KDRc7fmu6JkC, Book which was written byCarlos A. J. Molinarihave ETAG "7XWoaxvV8H8"

Book which was published by Teseo since 2011 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9789871354955 and ISBN 10 Code is 9871354959

Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true

Book which have "173 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryPhilosophy

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in es

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is true and in ePub is false

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El arte en la era de la máquina

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